Thursday, August 4, 2011

Paint my Lexus?

Hey, long time no post.

Anyway, I'm going on co-op this fall for my college, Drexel University and I was going to spend my money on a new car. That's why I haven't been around a while.
However, I've done some budgeting recently and I've found that since my parents can't afford my tuition, even AFTER my scholarships, I'm S.O.L. for a new car.
In light of the new situation, I've been contemplating something...

For all of you out there who have kept up with the site from the beginning, you remember this post. Well, the idea was to showcase the maintenance and PARTIAL restoration of my Lexus ES300.
Now that I'm only left with about $2000 I'm considering REPAINTING my old, ugly Lexus. What color should I paint it!? Well, I've photoshopped some pictures and I think I want either pearl black with gunmetal grey trim or metallic blue. Here are some photoshopped pics.

Wish me luck with my decision! Peace.

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