Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Daily Werks Crew: Tuesday Night Meet at Sears

So if you've ever passed by Sears Hardware on a Tuesday night near Oxford Valley Mall, you've probably wondered what all of those kids were doing, right?  Well, being part of that scene for quite a while now, I decided to take some pics of a meet just to show you.

For my boys and me it's always a tradition to go to Wings To Go for some chicken or some ish.  We love hanging out and talking cars or whatever the hell is on our mind before we head out to chill at the meets.

Usually you'll see my boy Edd of The Daily Werks Crew taking pictures.  He's pretty handy with his camera, and he doesn't even use a DSLR like most local photographers.  Check out Tyler's Miata (look up one)!!

Lots of Hondas and Acuras always show up to the meets.  Vdubs are welcome too!  Check out Mike's white Teggy and Blaine's black one.

Matt's Civic repping a couple of decals and an RIP Eddie Brodecki sticker.  Rest in peace DC5 buddy...

My boy Paul showed up with a new Civic on deck as well.  He says that he just ordered fenders to have them fixed and that he's getting curb rash on his wheels taken care of as well.  He owned a pretty clean Chevy S10 before this so my hopes are up for Paul!

And if you're rocking a camera and a strap at these meets, be sure to bring a tripod as well-- being ready to shoot at any time.  You could be asked to snap pics at any moment.  So, when these guys asked me to take a couple of pictures of their heavy duty trucks, I decided "why the hell not."

The Chevy flatbed you see above has a chrome differential casing and is in pretty good condition.  Wonder if this kid uses this as a work truck...who am I kidding, he's got to...

We then lined the trucks up and got some shots after deciding that we wanted pictures of these rear-wheel drive beasts.  Don't worry, you'll see the other one I'm talking about too.


The other person who asked me to shoot his truck was driving a Ford Turbo-Diesel Powerstroke with a John Deer, Green paint job.  When asked for his buying price, he said he only paid $3500.  Now I know why these boys are driving trucks!  Lots of torque and power for a little price...not to mention they're reliable.

As always, all good things must come to an end guys.  That being said...

...I'm signing out.  Lexi.Laron, represent.

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