Friday, July 15, 2011

**SUMMER Cleaning

Hey folks! that was weird.

I said I'd be bringing you the detail feature yesterday, but it ended up taking ALL DAY! Regardless...My friend's Hyundai looks like one clean ride now that me and her boyfriend (who is also my GOOD FRIEND) cleaned it up a bit.

Here's a look at what we did.

We started the day with
one car cleaning kit from wal-mart,

An apathetic mother,

And us, Carly, Dave, and Me (from left to right).

Here's what I had to work with.

Carly loves to read books...

Dave was making that face because the car smelled...

Okay, so the car had a lot of random scum built up in a lot of random places along with the trash that was all over the car. It was gonna be a long day, so I decided to get the nourishment that would provide me with optimal amounts of energy-- PENNY SCUM.

Firslty, I began by cleaning all of the change out of Carly's car. If your car is mad dirty and you want to keep the change, take all of the change you find and put it in a penny bath! :)

Then I started cleaning out the trash.

I found some kitty litter, some ketchup,

and even a plunger!!! I knew it was gonna be a beautiful day.

And this pile of personal belongings QUICKLY built up.

Now, for the dirt



First, take a sweet hose and rub it on stuff. Nahhh, jk just vacuum Sh**!

Next, take an all-purpose interior foam, and apply that to the fixed interior instead of shampooing your carpets. This way, you don't have to air dry your car or remove interior pieces.

Vacuuming as needed should make your carpets look good, kinda like this. The picture below shows David cleaning the center console with Amor All Interior Wipes. Looks good, no?

And this is what the door panel looked like after being wiped down with the Armor All Wipes.

Look! Garnier shampoo ISN'T just for pretty girls. It's also for pretty cars :). The advantage of using shampoo over dish detergent is it's meant for hair, so it's gentler. Also, shampoo smells really nice, and it'll probably make your carpets feel softer than dish detergent.

I mixed up the shampoo with some water.

And then I applied the shampoo to the carpets with a brush. I used shampoo on the carpets and not on the fixed interior because I could air-dry the carpets by removing them from the car, as shown...


And after a hard day at work cleaning the interior of this Hyundai, Carly, Dave, and I decided to head into my beautiful backyard for one of my Mom's meals:

And then we got down to crunch-time. In my neighborhood, the WeIrD0$ come out at da GOBLINZ. Nah I'm just messin with you, but still, it was dark and we had to hurry because it was dark.

While we had time, Dave and I got to work wet-sanding the crappy Hyundai paint job off of Carly's awesome hubcaps

because we wanted to paint them!

First I wiped all of the dust off of the wet-sanded hubcaps with some window cleaner and a microfiber towel.

This is what the hubcap looked like after I did all of that.

Here's the kind of wear that was on Carly's hubcaps.

And when Dave and I painted them, they came out pretty nice-- at night...

And here's what they looked like on the car!

At nightfall, not only do the goonies come out they cribs, BUT the sun goes away...therefore we needed to find a way to dry the floor mats, and I'm pretty sure my Mom would have killed me if I stole her hair dryer. So, I decided to use a salamander heater.

Just hold the carpets a short distance from the heater...

dry the sides as well, and VIOLA...

a clean and beautiful interior. Wait, where are the pictures? OH, that's right! I needed a flash to take pictures of the interior, so that's why there are none up!

On that note, STAY TUNED! Pictures of the interior will be coming straight from Carly, and they will be taken in daylight.

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